Sunday, March 25, 2007


I first learned of the detention centers on Daily Kos around Christmastime. The author of the diary that I link to made a cogent comparison between the Japanese-American internment camps and the detention centers today. Reading the report and reviewing some of the information provided at JARDA (Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives) only reinforced the comparison. There are many similarities, including the lack of privacy in the facilities, the breakdown of the family social unit, and the supplying of milk only for children. (I am doubtful that any pre-natal care was provided to pregnant women.) However, it is worth noting that even in the internment camps, children were allowed to play outside (there is a great children's book about playing baseball in the camps - Baseball Saved Us by Ken Mochizuki) and had more than 1 hr. of education each day, unlike (until recently) the children in Hutto.

I wonder if the Dominica mentioned at the beginning of the report is the pregnant detainee who was released this past February, according to this announcement from the TX ACLU?

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