Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hutto II

From the class discussion, I'm not sure I agree with the idea that we should only blame those who set up the centers, and not those who work there. At the risk of invoking Godwin's law, that seems to smack of the same argument used by Nazi camp guards - that they were just following orders. While I'm not comparing the detention centers to the death camps (although I do believe that these are concentration camps, in the old sense), I worry about the same kind of mentality of "just following orders" that seem to prevail in any unjust system, especially in institutions of a penal nature. I wish more conscientious objectors would speak up, if there are any, and I'm afraid I just don't agree with the idea that it's just a job so it's better not to get involved, although unfortunately, I can all to clearly see myself using the same excuse to justify my lack of action if I were in the same position. (After all, didn't people who upheld segregation laws offer the same excuse? It's just a job/just the way the law is?)

And speaking of small towns, I am utterly outraged that Williamson County, where my parents live and where I used to live, is profitting off of people's misery, not to mention the fact that John Carter used to be my representative (not that Lamar Smith is much better). The fact that the county is receiving $1 per person is sickening. If we took away this incentive, I wonder if more people would be willing to protest having this monstrosity in our midst?

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